- Jul 14, 2022
4 Best Locations For Velvet-Antler Pics

We all know how hot the summer heat is right now. Just imagine if you didn’t have air-conditioning to retreat to. Big bucks have to drink lots of water this time of year to stay hydrated and cool. Look for likely watering holes on your property to set up a trail camera. Ponds are great places to look, as well as creeks, swamps, and areas with beaver dams. Look for areas with lots of deer tracks and trails entering a watering hole. This is a great spot to set your cell camera for velvet pictures.

Mineral sites are an excellent location to capture photos of bucks during the summer. Deer crave salt in the spring and summer because the plants they are eating contains large amounts of water and potassium. This increased combination creates a salt deficiency in the animals, which makes them regularly use a salt or mineral lick. Because deer will frequent these locations in the summer, it’s the perfect spot for a camera.
If you hunt around agricultural fields growing soybeans or have summer food plots planted, then get your cameras out. White clover, soybeans, cowpeas, and other high-protein foods are a magnet for bucks growing antlers. Look for heavily-used trails entering these food plots or search for areas of the plot that look browsed on the most. Do the same thing around large soybean fields and also investigate areas near water or heavily shaded woods to find the action. Also, glassing large bean fields from afar in the evening can reveal where the bucks are entering. Once a prime spot is located, sneak in during the midday and set up your Moultrie Mobile for velvet recon.

A protein feeder used to supplement a deer’s diet during the summer months is about as good as it gets. With deer craving high-protein rich foods, these feeders will get action day and night. Even attractant feeders with corn will draw in bucks for trail-camera action.
These are the top four spots to set up your trail cameras to get pictures of those beautiful velvet antlers. With bucks traveling in bachelor groups during the summer, now is a great time to take inventory of the bucks on your property.
When you do capture some great velvet antler images on your Moultrie Mobile cameras, tag Moultrie Mobile when you upload them to Facebook or Instagram.