- Sep 13, 2021
1 on 1 With the Pros: Meet Blake Garrett

Who is Blake Garrett?
I’ve been a full time content creator in the outdoor industry for the last 4 years and have been filming hunts for the last 12 years. I was born and raised in Central Missouri and still reside here with my beautiful wife and two sons.
I’ve been an avid hunter for 27 years and hunt whitetails in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, and South Dakota. I’m the owner of Unfiltered Outdoors Youtube channel and the free download-able app where you can watch live hunts. For year-round hunting content check out my Instagram account @theblakegarrett, and on Tik Tok @theblakegarrett8. You can also find hunts that I’ve filmed on Full Draw Adventures on Pursuit Channel.
Q: Do you hunt with archery equipment or firearms or both?
A: I hunt with both. I enjoy the longer seasons and challenges of archery hunting but also enjoy picking up a rifle in the rut. Rifle season allows me to hunt from the ground more frequently and also allows me to utilize new angles to hunt my farms.

Q: What’s your hunting style?
A: Ambush. I also always try to hunt with intent. I utilize the most current scouting information I can gather to make sure I’m in the right tree at the right time.
Q: On a level of 1 to 10 how important are game cameras to your hunting success and why?
A: 10. They allow me to know what bucks are on a property and what their movement patterns are throughout the entire year.
Q: If you’re hunting a specific property, how do you typically use your trail cameras for scouting and hunting?
A: I begin the year with monitoring feed piles and mineral sites to find out the buck age structures, buck-to-doe ratios, and movement patterns on the farm. I’ll take all of that information along with utilizing trail cameras on community scrapes I locate in the pre rut to let me know a specific buck’s movements. I’ll then move in and hang a treestand once I have established a pattern.
Q: What roll do cellular game cameras play in your scouting and do you use them differently than traditional trail cameras?
A: During the pre rut and rut they are the most useful scouting tool I have. The ability to have up-to-date intel on buck movements is crucial to my success.

Q: Tell us about a buck that got away and you still think about him to this day?
A: I had trail camera pictures of a buck that was without a doubt the largest deer I have ever followed. I had pictures of him up until the rut last year and to this day I’ve never got another picture of him. I don’t know what happened to the buck but I am hopeful every card pull that he is going to show back up.
Q: Tell us about a time you skipped something important to go hunting instead? Was it worth it?
A: I skipped the finial interview for a corporate-level job that was schedule the first week of November. We just had a cold front push in and it was cloudy all day. It was 100-percent worth it! I had an amazing hunt and ended up harvesting the buck I was after. I, however, didn't get the job.
Q: If you could only give one piece of advice to a new hunter, what would it be?
A: Never stop learning.